The author

The author

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Gilli is Mad

A month or so ago the National Museum of African American History & Culture opened in Washington DC. I haven’t been honored to go yet due to the fact that you need to have a ticket to be able to enter the building. I’m interested to see what they cover in this three story building but I can wait until the hype comes down so that I can walk around leisurely and take my time viewing pieces of my history. I have heard about the layout of the museum and how it starts you off at slavery with all of the slavery artifacts. I also have been told that you can hear the sound of weeping from all that walk thru out the museum. A week ago A Birth of a Nation came out, they say that the movie is a flop even though it made 9.1 million dollars it’s first weekend. Although shy of it’s 10 million dollar budget doesn’t sound too bad to me. Although some people don’t want to see it due to it’s director’s allegedly shady past. It’s been a month of more of reminding of our past.

My homeboy sent me a link to a show on Netflix, and like most things he recommends I watched it. The movie is called 13th, and after watching it in it’s entirety I am mad. Like I don’t even know where to begin on how I feel because it was so many emotions that I felt. I went from sad to angry to befuddled to lost to informed to enlightened back to befuddled and then back to angry and sad. The history of African Americans is so fucked up shit. From slavery to mass incarceration. Not to take away from the fucked up history of other people but to watch that movie … it just broke me down.

I’m not going to tell you what happens in this documentary because I feel that you should watch it for yourself and gather your own opinion of it. But what I will share with you is my thoughts on how I feel about it after watching it. I’m pissed. I’m hurt, disgusted and angry. Not knowing completely what I was in for I begin to watch it at work on my lunch break. Unlike Bob’s Burger or Family Guy which are shows that I normally watch this one was a bit intense. As I may have mentioned before I am a crier. I cry in times of frustration and in sadness, it doesn’t make me weak, because I’m not in denial with who I am and what I do. And although I am fr peace and blessings, I will slap fire out of a person if need be. Anywho, I found tears falling down my face as I viewed the images on my phone screen. I couldn’t have stopped them if I tried, because I did and they just came on. I had to press the square indicating stop once I felt my inside starting to get hot. It wasn’t because of the rotisserie chicken I just eaten have made me feel this way it was because of what I was watching. I begin to learn about things that I thought I knew that I found out was lies to me. It’s all lies, the media, the government, lies.

It has always been taught to me in history classes throughout my schooling that the government was made for the people by the people. But as I have realized as I became an adult that saying wasn’t referring to MY people. Although I’m a light skin female whose brown skin father had green eyes and curly hair and whose mother is the color of a peanut with curly hair I can’t tell you who my people really are. But I can tell you who they aren’t. If I were to be stopped by authorities I know what race I would be identified as and what race I wouldn’t. At the time that saying was made “for the people by the people” my people was in shackles, my people was in cotton fields doing hard labor and in houses getting used for sex. So those words don’t apply to me. 

America has and will always be a business. It will always take from the poor and give to the rich. They will always oppress and take whatever it wants and if you don’t do what it tells you do to it will shut you up. No one speaks too loudly to America because America will silence you. America says that you have a freedom of speech but only if you are fair skinned. They don’t want you to educate yourself or your community they want you to be the second class citizens that we was 300 plus years ago. Slavery was a business and once it ended the South’s business was on the brink of ending too. So what do they do? They think of a way to get free labor without it being slavery. Let’s call it prison they say. SMH. Not to say that some people who do  foul shit shouldn’t be locked up and put away. But the boy who was caught outside on the block talking to his friend on his way home shouldn’t have to be locked up for 3-5 years when he didn’t have no drugs on him, he was just in a high crime area. Jail isn’t cheap.For 10 years I sent money to the Feds to help someone do his bid comfortably or at least as comfortably as my pockets would allow. Let’s say I sent him $75 every two weeks, that’s $150 every month, $1650 a year and after 10 years that’s $14,850. I didn’t send him $75 every two weeks sometimes it was more sometimes it was less none the less after 10 years I have sent damn near $15,000 to the feds. No wonder they want to build more jails, so that they can make more money. Opposed to making rehab facilities that could ,I don’t know, actually help rehabiliate the criminals that they are so press to have locked up. 

With the more jails that they build, the more inmates that they need to fill them, the more Black and Brown people that they can put in these jails. The more Black and Brown children are raised by their grandma or Aunties because the child’s parents are gone Upstate or Down the Road.The child begins to get into trouble, and that’s where the cycle begins to repeat itself. That’s all it is, is one big cycle repeating itself. I see that with the police killings that have happened all over this country and have been happening for centuries. But now with social media and the technology to be able to record and instantly send things to the internet we are viewing more and more of these killings. it has gotten to a point where I personally have gotten numb to it. Because nothing changes, a black or brown man or woman gets shot & killed and this cop’s biggest punishment is a slap on a wrist. I have never read or heard of a police officer who has killed a person on camera or other wise being locked up for taking a person’s life. But let Cracker Ass Billy Bob shoot up a  movie theatre and kill nine people and not only is he able to walk away from the crime scene but he is able to stand in court and plead insanity and live out the rest of his days in an asylum. 

I can hear a person saying “But we have a Black president.” And I say to you, “So?” Yes we have a Black POTUS, who is educated and handsome and funny and doesn’t have 3 baby mothers, plays ball, use to smoke the wacky tabacky and is an exemplary guy. BUTTTTTTT he is just one man, yes he has “power” but its no good when his subordinates fight him every step of the way. And him being black and in charge doesn’t change the fact that white people still treat Black and Brown people like shit! This country prided itself on being the land of the free… while owning slaves. The home of the brave…that shoot and kill black women, men and children. This country’s foundation is fucked up and I don’t ever know if I’ll see a time where things will be different. I was told that we should be happy that we don’t have to live how our ancestors did. I am happy that I don’t have to live like that because with my light skin and “good” hair I would def be in the “Big” house doing domestic work and hiding some of Master’s nigga babies. I don’t think that our ancestors fought for freedom and the rights we have today for our generations to end up how it is. Being uneducated bad bitches and men having women give birth to children that they don’t want is not what’s popping even though the media says it is. Ths just shows the uneducation of our people. Man, something needs to change and it starts with the laws, it starts with rewriting the Constitution. Times have changed and we can’t be a Nation that still holds it’s value on a hackneyed system. The government needs to remove itself from Big Businesses that have control over the bills and laws that are passed in this country. It starts with the people stop hating other people because they are different than us. Cuz they talk or walk or even look different. Black people hate our own people sometimes. We are scared of ourselves because we don’t know the power we possess. We act like crabs in a barrel, not letting one up. And if one of us do get up we try to find ways to bring us down. My English teacher told me long ago that “If “they” find you threatening “they” will try to find a way to get rid of you. They will try to defame you or kill you.” That’s what happened with Nate Parker, he was in that stupid ass bodyguard movie and mums the word on this alleged rape but let this man want to make a movie about Nate Turner and now all of this stuff comes out.  When you fly to close to the sun you will get burned. 

At the end of the day I have to do my part to break the cycle, I have to do it not only for my sanity but for my children’s sanity as well. The history taught in school is one sided and I will make sure that my children know both sides. Some people look at movies like A Birth of a Nation which was also a 1915 silent movie of the same name (Do your googles) and groan like “Another slave movie?” But how else would we know what we came from? By watching the trash that is ratchet tv? I think not. We are descendants of Kings and Queens not slaves, Trap Queens and trap boys.  Like Lawrence said on the end of School Daze… WAKE UP!!!!!!!

Peace & Blessings. 

click the link beloved

Sunday, September 18, 2016

I did this for class... enjoy 

When I hear someone describe a rich old lawyer without the mention of color I ask if he’s a Jew? In my life  experiences I have noticed that most rich lawyers are Jewish and that’s not to be racists that’s to state a point of view. We all have different POV and depending on how you are raised  and the things one may have experienced or have been exposed to it will determine their POV.  While going into this activity i begin to think about all of my views about  the Jewish community and I begin to think about things I have thought to be true about them. I am aware that not everything that is on some sort of media be it radio, tv, social or what have you is a representation of the entire community. But once those outlets for information begin to fill your head with images or descriptions of someone/thing you might  begin to believe it. Especially if you haven’t been around one to get to know one. 

I personally don’t know any people who observe the beliefs of Judaism so I won’t be able to speak on personal experiences of being around one that I have personal camaraderie with. Thru the scopes of media I have seen alot of different views of Jews. There are several different types, some are clean shaven and dress in modern day fashions and then there are those who don’t. Male Hasidic Jews don the best Shirley Temple curls my eyes have ever seen. They fall neatly on both sides of their face while being looking dapper in a black suit with a white button up dress shirt. Their top hats or yamakas make their outfits. complete. A preception that I have about these men is that they are men and look down to women. Im sure that’s not true about all of them hopefully one day I will find out. 

The views that I have on the jewish community wasn’t as a whole but just how I saw things. I knew that everyone would have our own POV about each other’s label. People think that Jewish people are rich and though some maybe and it’s painted in media that Jewish people , men especially, are successful lawyers. Some are good with businesses, music, food, whatever the route for having something successful and brings in lots of revenue. That they tend to have a big nose I have heard a lady refer to her own nose as a “Jew nose”.  There are stigmas on all  of the races, religions, class, location, education and whatever else gives someone who  feels the need to berate people who aren’t doing better than them. 

Afterwards when I gave myself a moment to think back, I wondered how  I look at people.  This exercise gave me the time to look at how I treat people and the perceptions that I might have of people. Not just people outside of my race, religion or what have you but people who are considered to be about of my community. We all judge and assume people and the things that they do.As much as I don’t want to admit this,  I have judged a person/people because of information I may  have been given about them. It’s something that happens way too often and with the advancement in technology we can share our opinions about whatever may come to our mind in seconds. As I continue to  work on myself and take my journey in life I realize that I shouldn’t judge people because I don’t know their struggles and what they could possibly dealing with. 

The opinions of others POV about people and their walks of life doesn’t really get to me unless if it has something with women or children. People are going to think what they want to think and their views of the Jewish community didn’t sway  me. In my experience, you can’t always take a person at face value. You have to get to know someone before you can see them for them. You might meet a Jewish woman for the first time and she is irate with look at her like she’s crazy and walk away thinking that all Jewish ladies are mean.  At the next interaction  she’s nice to you and  your initial perception of her being mean to you becomes background noise. 

That’s why I believe it’s best to treat people how you will want to get treated. It’s a Golden rule that was taught in elementary school but it seems to have gotten forgotten. You don’t want to be disrespected for no reason especially because you think differently or love differently. We wasn’t meant to be the same, so that’s why we should all be treated as equals. There are over a billion people in the world so there is wars going on all over the world. People fighting over who knows what , land, freedom, religion beliefs. If people treated people better I doubt their would be so much war. So much anger and hatred in this world, this country and this century. I feel that things could possibly get done if we used love and not war. 

Imagine a world without war, what a world that would be. Chaos is avoidable but there doesn’t need to be so much of it. Jews in the Middle East are on the news for fighting for their freedom or land that they think belongs to them. There are people fighting for dirt, bombing buildings, causing fear in a place that love should be. Mind you that fight has been going for thousands of years and it’s ever constant. The world needs love so from now on I won’t judge no one. I’m going to lead by example and give my world and those who may pass thru it a bit of kindness. I hope you do too. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

The worst

Many years ago my jaw was fractured in two places in the front of it and had to get my mouth wired. For several months I wasn’t able to eat food normally and was literally and physically talking thru the wire. After the wires were removed my teeth begin to bother me. My wisdom tooth on the left side would get tooth aches if I ate too many snickerdoodles or drank that damn good lemonade from Chik fil a. I always thought that any time that I would get a tooth ache I’ll ride it out with expired oxys or drink alot of water and the swelling will go down along with my sweet tooth gone. That was until…

The day I felt a ting of uncomfort on the right side of my face I figured I must have put way too much sugar into my coffee.  I took some Motrin and shaked off the discomfort. The normal side effects of swelling and mild pain in the back of my mouth came and I dealt with it using my normal regimen of expired control substances and water. In my brain I was flushing the sweetness out with the water. Go ahead and laugh, I will do anything to avoid the dentist. Lawd knows how I hate going there. Needless to say that after a week of  having a half swollen face and being in pain I finally made an emergency appointment to the dentist. I should have never walked in that place.

Despise the warnings from everybody telling me that I would have to get my teeth pulled I ignored them and prayed to the Gods of the Seven the old and the new, to The Universe and to any deity that would listen to me and answer my selfish prayer. Needless to say my prayers wasn’t answered and all my naysayers hit me with the infamous “I told you so.” I have never gotten anything extracted from my body ever in my life. When I got my jaw wired, I was put to sleep. So as this lady explained to me what she will be doing to me I felt my hands begin to shake. It wasn’t a shake you do when you are idly waiting, it was “Oh shit I’m scared as shit” shake. Why was I shaking??? Cause if you didn’t grasp it…. I was scared as shit. 

When she begin to put the anesthetic in my gums around the areas she was going to be removing my teeth it was a water show. My eyes filled up with water and no matter how much I told myself that I wouldn’t cry and for me to get my shit together the more the tears flow. I have said it before I will say it again, I am a crier. I cry and I’m not ashamed of it. And beloved I cried sweet tears of fear that day because I didn’t know what to expect. Once things begin to go numb she did her business of removing both of my teeth. The top tooth (#1) went in less then three minutes. I was half way thru T.I rapping all about the money when the doctor’s cute little assistant showed me my tooth. The bottom one (#32) took more of fight and although I didn’t feel pain I felt pressure and being that I was given numbing medication I didn’t want to feel nothing!!!! My hands was shaking  and I was holding on to that chair for dear life! I’m sure my sounds of shrieking worried some of the patients but I truly didn’t care. 

After the tears and almost fifteen minutes later I was toothless in the rear side of my mouth, unable to say words and worrying about what the real pain will feel like once the numbing meds wore off.  I laughed when the doctor told me to come back next month so that she can get the teeth on the other side. “Yeah right lady, I’ll see you when I’m in pain.” I paid them and went about my day. Rushed to get my meds all swollen in the face and drooling. lol Yes I was drooling. Not like a long line of drool but none the less my mouth was super wet and my lips was super dry. I don’t know how that was possibly but none the less it was happening. 

I love food. Like I love to eat so being that something that I had no control over was stopping me from eating I was not a happy camper! Then I had to take off of work which I don’t like to do unless I’m going on vacay. So now I can only eat soft foods like an infant that’s teething, with a swollen side of my face (luckily no one can tell since my cheeks are already fat) & a bag full of meds that need to be taken every 4-6 hours. I’m happy that I will no longer feel pain once this is healed and homegirl is smoking some hella good dope to think I’ll be coming back to get this treatment done to the other side of my face!!!! Hellllllll nahhhhhh. Man that was the worst…

Peace & Blessings

Tuesday, July 19, 2016


I ain't got it no mo 

I believe I’m becoming washed and my definition for washed may not be the same as everybody else's. My definition is someone with no hoes, that don't be popping, the opposite of lit, dry and all things boring. Not all of these words fit my criteria but none the less I feel like I'm becoming too old for this shit. I figured that I was becoming washed one Sunday in October after club jumping at the Gryphon and Barcöde. I was due to work the next morning at 6:45 am but found myself walking into my house at 3: 15 am drunk off of Rosé Moët, smelling of the loudest pac and wanting chicken wings. The next day at work I was a complete mess. I believe I was late and could barely make it thru the day. The Moët gave me diarrhea, which is something I heard that happens if you drink too much of it. I consumed the contents of 4-5 of the 12 bottles that was being passed around between the men I was with. I was a complete mess & that def was not the best decision I have ever made. 

This past weekend I was smarter. I waited for events that was popping on the weekend and even though one of the events was on Sunday it was over earlier enough for me to recover. Luckily for me I'm unemployed so I don't have to worry about any pesty job getting in the way of my fun. (Sarcasm alert)  

The Third Broccoli City Festival was held in the Nation's Capital and finally I had actually bought a ticket so that I was able to attend. It was a rainy dreary day at the end of  April with the temperature reaching only 65 degrees. I figured when I bought the ticket in February that it wouldn't feel like Febraury by the time April came. None the less I drank some Dusse and went out to face the elements. I took an uber down to the DC Pavillon which is also the located on the grounds of the St. Elizabeth Hospital. St. Elizabeth is known for once being a Federally operated psychiatric hospital. It is a DC landmark and has been around since 1855. 

Man I have never been around that many black people... ever! It was all sorts of black people there. Hippy, preppy, slutty, thuggy. Whatever your cup is, there was something there to fill it. Of course my first thought seeing all this melanin in one location was that somebody was going to fight. But that didn't happen. There was vendors, live art performances, music performances (local and big names), abundance of pac smoke, and abundance of people. I got there later then what I had expected to mainly because I just wanted to see Future and Jhene Aiko. Either way I was there and I was going to enjoy myself. After walking up the steps to the top of the Pavillon I was finally able to see what was happening around me. I had to elevate myself to appreciate it all. And the sight was beautiful. On my right people in unison not on no bullshit dancing to Rare Essence, on my left some rapper going off with a crowd bigger then the one on the left. The familiar smell of potent marijuana tickled my noise hairs and I watch people roll up despite the police presence when you walk in. I sipped my Jameson and smiled. I can't tell you why I felt like I was at peace but I was.  Once the scenic view was over with, we headed to the main stage to see Jhene Aiko. Of course the main area where the big name celebrities was packed, that's what big names do. But it wasn't no push back when you tried to push thru it was mean mugs but hey some of us just have that type of face. As it rain Jhene came on  and she sang sweet melodies of broken hearts, of love and of booty getting ate like groceries.

While we waited for Future Hendrix I had to go use the bathroom. Smh my bladder is super weak. Another reason I know I'm not made for this hanging out bullshit. I need to stay close to the bathroom while drinking. My friend and her homegirls left so I stood by myself in the rain as Future begin to perform his hits. I ran into my homeboy while down there so after Future mumbled about all of the things he mumbles about we went to the Hamilton for buffalo wings and Mac and cheese taters. Not a bad night.

The next morning I struggled with getting out of my bed. It wasn't like I went to bed late, I just didn't feel like getting up. I made me a cup of peppermint tea, warmed up some doughnuts and ate sliced pineapples while praying to the Heavens that I get some strength to attend the Coolest Best Day Ever. It was a collaboration of Henny Palooza and Cup Set held at the infamous Stadium Club DC. I heard on my favorite pod cast Tax Season that the Henny Palooza guys was saying that DC was the worst city they went to when they did Henny Palooza last year and they didn't know if they was going to come back to do it again. I hope they come back because being that their event was held on a Sunday, I wasn't  drunk enough (which is probably a lie, I was probably just where I needed to be lol #lushlife) and had to leave at 8 so I could drop my homeboy off and make it in time for Game of Thrones. 

It was a mix of music and drinks. Oh and can't forget the food. At 6 or so the strippers came out and begin to shake their money makers. Joe Budden and Rory from "I'll name this podcast later"  podcast was there, so was Desus Nice from the "Bodega Boys" podcast. I was for mildly too hype when I noticed Desus was there. He's also one of my favorite podcasters. I kept it cool tho. It was a fun day pordy. And I hope that was just a tast of what 

 Even though I didn't close my eyes until after 12 watching my HBO Sunday line up and reruns of the line up when I woke up at 7:30 Monday morning I wanted to scream but my body wouldn't let me go back to sleep. At lunch with a friend is when it happened. That's when I realized it. I didn't want to be in denial anymore. I was muddafucking tired. I ordered me a Blue Moon to try to get back to feeling like myself. That helped but I realized I didn't want another hard drink until the weekend... 3 weekends from now!   I'm not a quitter but I am taking a hiatus from drinking. And I did an awesome job of not drinking…

Until…the next weekend. 


I ain't got it no mo 

I believe I’m becoming washed and my definition for washed may not be the same as everybody else's. My definition is someone with no hoes, that don't be popping, the opposite of lit, dry and all things boring. Not all of these words fit my criteria but none the less I feel like I'm becoming too old for this shit. I figured that I was becoming washed one Sunday in October after club jumping at the Gryphon and Barcöde. I was due to work the next morning at 6:45 am but found myself walking into my house at 3: 15 am drunk off of Rosé Moët, smelling of the loudest pac and wanting chicken wings. The next day at work I was a complete mess. I believe I was late and could barely make it thru the day. The Moët gave me diarrhea, which is something I heard that happens if you drink too much of it. I consumed the contents of 4-5 of the 12 bottles that was being passed around between the men I was with. I was a complete mess & that def was not the best decision I have ever made. 

This past weekend I was smarter. I waited for events that was popping on the weekend and even though one of the events was on Sunday it was over earlier enough for me to recover. Luckily for me I'm unemployed so I don't have to worry about any pesty job getting in the way of my fun. (Sarcasm alert)  

The Third Broccoli City Festival was held in the Nation's Capital and finally I had actually bought a ticket so that I was able to attend. It was a rainy dreary day at the end of  April with the temperature reaching only 65 degrees. I figured when I bought the ticket in February that it wouldn't feel like Febraury by the time April came. None the less I drank some Dusse and went out to face the elements. I took an uber down to the DC Pavillon which is also the located on the grounds of the St. Elizabeth Hospital. St. Elizabeth is known for once being a Federally operated psychiatric hospital. It is a DC landmark and has been around since 1855. 

Man I have never been around that many black people... ever! It was all sorts of black people there. Hippy, preppy, slutty, thuggy. Whatever your cup is, there was something there to fill it. Of course my first thought seeing all this melanin in one location was that somebody was going to fight. But that didn't happen. There was vendors, live art performances, music performances (local and big names), abundance of pac smoke, and abundance of people. I got there later then what I had expected to mainly because I just wanted to see Future and Jhene Aiko. Either way I was there and I was going to enjoy myself. After walking up the steps to the top of the Pavillon I was finally able to see what was happening around me. I had to elevate myself to appreciate it all. And the sight was beautiful. On my right people in unison not on no bullshit dancing to Rare Essence, on my left some rapper going off with a crowd bigger then the one on the left. The familiar smell of potent marijuana tickled my noise hairs and I watch people roll up despite the police presence when you walk in. I sipped my Jameson and smiled. I can't tell you why I felt like I was at peace but I was.  Once the scenic view was over with, we headed to the main stage to see Jhene Aiko. Of course the main area where the big name celebrities was packed, that's what big names do. But it wasn't no push back when you tried to push thru it was mean mugs but hey some of us just have that type of face. As it rain Jhene came on  and she sang sweet melodies of broken hearts, of love and of booty getting ate like groceries.

While we waited for Future Hendrix I had to go use the bathroom. Smh my bladder is super weak. Another reason I know I'm not made for this hanging out bullshit. I need to stay close to the bathroom while drinking. My friend and her homegirls left so I stood by myself in the rain as Future begin to perform his hits. I ran into my homeboy while down there so after Future mumbled about all of the things he mumbles about we went to the Hamilton for buffalo wings and Mac and cheese taters. Not a bad night.

The next morning I struggled with getting out of my bed. It wasn't like I went to bed late, I just didn't feel like getting up. I made me a cup of peppermint tea, warmed up some doughnuts and ate sliced pineapples while praying to the Heavens that I get some strength to attend the Coolest Best Day Ever. It was a collaboration of Henny Palooza and Cup Set held at the infamous Stadium Club DC. I heard on my favorite pod cast Tax Season that the Henny Palooza guys was saying that DC was the worst city they went to when they did Henny Palooza last year and they didn't know if they was going to come back to do it again. I hope they come back because being that their event was held on a Sunday, I wasn't  drunk enough (which is probably a lie, I was probably just where I needed to be lol #lushlife) and had to leave at 8 so I could drop my homeboy off and make it in time for Game of Thrones. 

It was a mix of music and drinks. Oh and can't forget the food. At 6 or so the strippers came out and begin to shake their money makers. Joe Budden and Rory from "I'll name this podcast later"  podcast was there, so was Desus Nice from the "Bodega Boys" podcast. I was for mildly too hype when I noticed Desus was there. He's also one of my favorite podcasters. I kept it cool tho. It was a fun day pordy. And I hope that was just a tast of what 

 Even though I didn't close my eyes until after 12 watching my HBO Sunday line up and reruns of the line up when I woke up at 7:30 Monday morning I wanted to scream but my body wouldn't let me go back to sleep. At lunch with a friend is when it happened. That's when I realized it. I didn't want to be in denial anymore. I was muddafucking tired. I ordered me a Blue Moon to try to get back to feeling like myself. That helped but I realized I didn't want another hard drink until the weekend... 3 weekends from now!   I'm not a quitter but I am taking a hiatus from drinking. And I did an awesome job of not drinking…

Until…the next weekend. 

Mind Games

On a cloudy Wednesday morning, she opens her eyes, says a silent prayer to the Lord and proceeds to check her email while she is still laying in her bed. She was anticipating an email from the Human Resources representative for the company she will starting work for. So as she scrolling thru her email, the sender of an email caught her eye. Her heart starts to pound and the butterflies in her stomach begin to flutter as she clicked on the email. She noticed that he replied to an email that she sent to him asking him kindly for him to come pick up a piece of furniture that he had left behind when he moved on. The date she sent that email was three months ago. “Oh so he did read my email?” she thought to herself. After examining the sender’s name, the date and time stamp she read what he took the time out of his day to type. It was one sentence. One that he could have kept to himself.

She stares at it. Reads it over and over as though it’s some cryptic message in it. As though he wrote the apology that she would never receive in those ten words that he typed. She looked at the sender’s name, then read those ten words again. She felt herself getting upset. She places her left thumb on the home key and right thumb on the power button. A flash comes over the screen, she closes out of her email. Not even checking for the email that she was looking for in the first place. Now not only are there butterflies fluttering so are her thoughts. “Why would he email that?” “ Why would he think I care if I know he’s proud of me?” “Why didn’t he keep that to himself?” Her mind is racing but she’s able to send that screen shot to several people in less then thirty seconds.

She ponders over her thoughts of what blog did he read, being that she has several. How did he get the link? He is blocked from her Twitter and Instagram page where the links for her blog are located. “Should I reply with a simple thank you? Or to go into how he could have kept that bullshit to himself and tell him to be proud of the new chick that has to deal with me & his lies!?” Her thoughts are cut short by her mother calling her name. The call she has been waiting for finally came thru. The blessing she has been waiting on has finally came into fruition. All thoughts of him and his mind fuckery email slowly disappeared from her thoughts. The biggest smile came across her face. And just like that, he’s forgotten. Or is he?

For the last four months she tried so hard to forget him. Not only to forget how things played out with them but the fact that deep inside she missed him. She wanted to talk to him like they use to talk. Laugh at jokes, text, subtweet each other and just be in his space. That was something that will never happen again. She goes about her day as normal. But being one who always wants to know the reason for something happening, she wonders why would he send that? He didn’t even tell her happy birthday but he’ll tell her he’s proud of her for posts that she wrote? “Why?” she asked herself. 

This man who claims to not fuck with her still reads what she writes? Did he want to see if she wrote about him? Like what the fuck was his point? And just like that…he got into her brain without him even speaking a word. His hold on her found it’s grip again. The more and more she thought about those ten words, the more she cursed. “Fuck him and him being proud of me! I don’t need for him to be proud of me! I’m fucking proud of me! I went thru hell and pulled myself out of those flames! And he wants to talk about being fucking proud of me??? Who the fuck do you think you is?” 

She use to crave his approval. His validation. His acceptance. Now she doesn’t need it nor want it. His hold loosens and falls away. The email remains to be words on a screen that don’t hold any merit or power. The questions that were pondered on earlier no longer matter. All the thoughts that was ignited were extinguished. Just like that…he’s non factor again. 

Valar morghulis. All men must die. And so must their power. 

Stay Blessed. 

I'm muddafucking tired....

I’m tired of feeling as though the police do not get penalized for the crimes that they do. I do not feel safe with those who have vowed to protect and serve me. How can I when they have been killing my people as though that they have caused some severe crime? There has been multiple times in history, shit in the last year, where a white man has killed multiple people and when apprehended…. wait they get apprehended, unlike people of color. Slavery officially ended in the United States of America 151 years ago but yet, racism is still alive and kicking. White police officers are always killing black men for things as small as selling cigarettes or DVD’s  when these men are trying to make end’s meat for their family. This is suppose to be America “Home of the brave & the free.” But how can a particular ethnic feel brave & free when for 245 years we was opposed? Used and sold like cattle. When we wasn’t used for labor where we worked long days and sometimes night the Queens of this race of people was picked up off of the shelf like the owner’s favorite toy then discarded after they finished playing with it.
The stories of slavery makes me so upset. It makes a group of people who are so strong appear so weak. Many years ago there was a mind fucking game that still exists. It’s sad because some black people think that they can’t get far in life because of the “white man” is holding them back. I call bullshit and see someone who is lazy. I will never blame what some people did 300 years ago hold me back from what it is that I choose to do with my life today. I don’t like to watch slave movies but yet I find myself watching them because it’s important to know my history. I cry when watching them because it’s so sad to see a group of people getting misused and abused by another group of people. It pisses me off to the highest level of pissivity! Although we aren’t in chains sometimes in some parts of the world, we are still slaves.
Two men lost their lives recently and it was posted on social media for the world to see. I couldn’t help but pull my eyes away from the screen, and I found myself watching those videos again. Bumps on my skin began to rise, my body felt a chill, and the wells of my eyes began to fill with water. I felt a pain in my chest, a piece of my heart began to fall off and break. I instantly prayed for the families of these slain men and I closed the social media platform I was on. I prayed that the men in my life never have to get stopped by people who said they will protect ALL people and end up dead. I understand that it’s time where death may be the last resort but it should always be … the last resort.
Shortly after these men have gotten killed, police officers have gotten killed at what was suppose to be a peaceful protest. Now, that’s all the media talks about. Police being killed. Although it’s sad that more people have to lose their life, it’s a signs that people are fed up with how a group of people treat another one. Police officers feel as though as they are superior to us civilians & in some manners they are but when it comes to killing a person because of the color of their skin, or whatever injustice you feel that this person may have is just plain wrong. They show you their gun and use excessive force just to get you to do what? Believe that you can trust them? I can’t. Not to say that all cops are bad, but from what the media shows, they are out there.
People want answers, some sort of solution to the way that Black America is being treated. But how can we tell every person who isn’t Black to treat us with respect when we don’t treat them with respect? Or ourselves? How can there possibly be a way to solve racism? Is it a disease like some people think homosexuality is? No it’s not, it’s a mental sickness that has plagued people’s brains & they pass that poison onto their children.  It’s sad and unfortunate and I don’t see a solution but I won’t let it deter me. I am here. For years Black Americans have fought for their rights. Their right to vote, the right to drink the same water as whites, to go the same school as whites. I don’t think that white people has opposed any other ethnic group like they do Blacks. It’s like Cowboys playing the Redskins all year round. I’m over it. Hearing people say all lives matters is saying that  Black lives don’t. Because if that was true then why are Black men & women the only ones losing their lives????
Peace & Blessings

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Girls just want to have fun

Oldie but goodie 


I have a guilty pleasure…I like to watch ratchet television. More specifically I like to watch Love and Hip Hop in whatever city it may be in. To be honest, I actually love to get on Twitter on Monday night  and tweet about what’s going on or read the views of the show from my fellow Tweeters. The latest installment of Love and Hip Hop ATL has the usual mess but there is a love triangle that has me confused. It involves a bay mama, a girlfriend and the baby mother’s father which is the girlfriend’s boyfriend. It goes just like typical triangles, the male has a thing for two women. One he deals with so that he can still see his child and because he doesn’t want any drama that could come with not being able to see his child. And the other he says that he deals with because the sex is great and he can’t seem to leave either woman alone. 

These women met by the way of a reconnaissance mission. They end up fighting at a party that they wasn’t even invited to by the host and this is where things get a bit more messy and it makes me wonder. They end up meeting again this time with the man that is sleeping with both of these women. One asks him if he loves the other, then the other foams at the mouth waiting to pounce on the other. They don’t address the issue which is how a man has two women who are successful in their own right have them fighting and looking a damn mess on national tv? Or which one is the man going to stop hurting while he pleases his own selfish behaviors? 

Don’t get me wrong I’m not new to triangles and I’m not saying anything to make me seem as though I’m better then anyone because at one time or another I was sitting on the other side of the table wondering if he was going to leave her alone but I was the one that got left. So I can question women by asking them is this the best we can do? When have we begin to value ourself so poorly that we allow men to take away our power not only that in-between our legs but our voice to say no. Is dick that good?? Yes it is. But it should never come with the price of your morals and self respect. 

I was in a situation where I was lied to by the guy I was seeing. He said he didn’t have a girlfriend. I found out that he did one day by going to his house and with her answering the door in his boxer and wife beater. It’s funny how the Universe shows you what you need to see. Anyway she called him after I told her who I was and he came and tried to make a scene but end up running into the front door. LOL Years later and its still funny to me. He knew he was doing us wrong and that was karma smacking him with the door. Anyway he finally came out to me about his situation and because at the time I didn’t value myself I allowed myself to be his side piece. So many things annoyed me about the situation. One was that I was sharing what I wanted with her. Another was that I was limiting myself and that I didn’t love myself enough to know that I deserved better then what I was getting. But the dick was good and at that the time that was important to me so I settled. He made me feel like he was mines when we were together and when we weren’t… I was reminded that he was hers. Funny thing was that he would get jealous when I told him I was with someone else. Or when I told him that I was spending the night over someone else’s house. I would lie and say I was just to piss him off… Petty Betty. 

I allowed myself to be in a situation like that because I told myself that it worked, that it made him happy. She would call my phone and ask me about us and I would tell her to ask him. I was loyal to him even though he wasn’t loyal to me. I could have told her about the mornings that I went to their apartment to get some before going to work. Or about our date nights where he would say that he was out with his boys but really be at Red Lobster or at the Hoffman with me. (I been rewarding my pieces with Red Lobster before Bey ever mentioned it. :) )I could have but I kept my lips sealed because I didn’t want to mess up not seeing him again. Me and his girlfriend never fought or saw each other in person beside that one time. I decided to move on a year after settling for that bullshit and once I found out he had gotten her pregnant. Looking back I wouldn’t change what we did, I honestly enjoyed it. He was one of the best sexual partners of my life but he wasn’t for me. He wasn’t MINE & to be honest I wouldn’t want to be her cause to this day he still cheats on her and they are married now. So I wouldn’t change it but at my age I refuse to be involved in Side Piece Saturday in any caliber. And that’s where I question the black women that settle for this type of situation. 

We proud ourselves for being successful, for the plagues on our walls, for owning property, for eating our kale salads with the lemon drizzle but then we allow ourselves to be a side chick. WHY? How does this happen??? How can one love their selves enough to wear all of these badges of honor but then settle for less then what they deserve? Is it because we don’t completely love ourselves?  And yes I said we. We want to be loved or fucked and sometimes don’t care where the love/fucking is coming from. It’s not all the time that the male comes out up front and tells you about their other woman. They tell you lies cause that’s what ain’t shit niggas do, they lie. But a real man, a real man isn’t going to lie to you. He’s going to see you for the Queen you are and cherish you. 

It makes me sad that so many women choose to be the other woman and opposed to the only woman. Not to say one title may not come with the same bullshit as the other but it’s better then having to sneak around all the time to save his ass. Why is it that women are more loyal to the man then to do their damn selves? I have been there, oh trust me I have been there more times then I will ever admit but when you know better you do better and at this tender age of ___ I have no choice but to do better. It’s not as though Black Queens don’t already have enough stereotypes and stigmas that hang over our heads like a thorned crown but why lessen ourselves with titles that we shouldn’t have or that we give ourselves? 

 It’s time we do better. It’s a man for you out there you have to kiss a few toads before you find your Prince Charming. So grind hard Queen, take care of yourself, take sex off of the table and watch your King come. That’s something I’m working on myself. After being “heart broken” several times in the last 3 years I’m ok with being single and not settling for a fuck buddy or being a side piece. I rather be lonely. But don’t get it confused as long as I have myself, I’m never alone. 

Stay Blessed. 

Ade of Lemon

When the world gives you lemons, make a lemon drop and leave them stunted on how you did it…

Queen Bey has done it again. When she dropped Formation that was like her showing us the piece of a canvas she has painted the most beautiful painting on. The woman is genuis  and this isn’t a post to brag about Queen Bey but you must give credit when credit is due. She knew how  badly her fans wanted her new album ever since Formation dropped and she annouced that she was going on tour. I scrolled thru tweet after tweet of her fans begging for the album. Finally there was a date she was going to drop a visual album on HBO and her fans couldn’t be more excited. Finally she’s planning on showing the world the entire canvas. I say her fans because although I do enjoy her music, I’m not a die hard fan of hers. I listened to her music all my life and during tough tiimes which the words she has sang gotten me thru to the other side. I respect her hustle, the message and she is an inspiriation to look up to but that’s kind of where it ends with me.  As soon as the visual was over the album released on her husband’s streaming company Tidal. Genuis. 

Visual albums are changing the way that we look at music. I enjoy them more then hearing the music sometimes because it’s  like a little movie with songs that you like. I have  watched Lemonade a total of 4 times and of course that’s not saying much but like I said I’m not a die hard fan. I loved the narrative that was given and the steps in which she shows you what women who are cheated on go thru. Intitution, denial, anger, apathy, emptiness, accountability, reformation, forgiveness, resurrection, hope and redemption. Those are alot of emotions to go thru. And as a woman who has had her heart broken and have been cheated on I can say that’s really what you go thru. Especially if you want to make things work with that person who betrayed your trust. The visual is taking you on a journey of the pain to the recovery.  Being that Formation was shot in Lousiana I believe that this beautiful masterpiece was shot there as well. 

From the beginning to the end the music is inspring. Not just the beat but what she is actually saying. I’m not sure what it is about this woman but she inspires me. She empowers me to be better, to do better. I feel this boost of confidence that I didn’t feel prior to listening to her music or watching Lemonade. Yes it’s sad that she had to recall a time that she was cheated on and go thru the pain of that but with tracks like 6 inch heels and Freedom how can you not feel like you need to be great or create greatness??? She has given woman a plethora of witty captions for our Facebook, Instagram and SnapChat and things to write on our Twitter. But more important she has given us something to think about. 

The visuals show nothing but a cast of black girls and women of different shades, different hair textures and different backgrounds. Smart, beautiful women that are great in their own sense. There are cameos by Serena Willams, the mothers of slain teens Trayvon Martin and Micheal Brown, Winnie Harlow (who I just love), Amandla Stenberg, Zendaya and a host of others. It was so beautiful to see that these women was preparing meals then sitting together eating the meal it was just amazing to see and it’s an image that should be shown more. But with ratchet tv  and what not its not an image shown much. 

Back to the music…It’s suspected that the man she is talking about being cheated on was her husband. This sent the sleuths of the Internet going crazy looking for clues and wondering who could be the woman that S.Carter would cheat on The Queen Mother Bey first of her name. Mofos was really trying to put pieces of a puzzle as though she left breadcrumbs in her lyrics of who the chick may be. Then here comes thirst thot Rachel Roy *eye roll* with a comment refering to a lyric Bey said on her Instagram * eye roll*. Rachel Roy is the ex wife of Dame Dash (yes Jay’s homie Dame). She is the reason Solange was laying her paws on him in the elevator that year. It’s not something that happened more then once so I’m sure it can be googled. I roll my eyes continuly at Rachel cause that was a cheap attempt to get attention. It’s messy and as a woman in her 40’s she should have more class then that but hey *Kanye shrug* It wasn’t even an entire 24 hours that lemonade had dropped and the shenigans begin to start. Soon after the thotish behavior was released so was the Bey Hive stinging her with all sorts of comments and jabs. Don’t mess with The Queen Mother Bey, first of her name. 

This album has sparked so many questions not only about who Jay was cheating with but is it accpetable for men to be able to get away with cheating? Some saying that Jay is allowed to cheat because he’s Shawn Motherfucking Carter. *eye roll* Others say that she must don’t be doing something right *eye roll and deep sigh* I don’t know why Jay would want to cheat on Bey and to be honest I don’t care. Men cheat everyday, B. Some for reasons, others just because they are able to breath in air. That’s just how things are. Not to justify men’s bullshit that they are trying to sell with the content of this album. I’m just speaking from my experience, sad but it’s so true that men cheat.

If it true, that he cheated, she is showing us something so personal, something so painful and it proves the theory that Bey is just like us. She seconds guess herself, she goes thru heart breaks, and above all things she’s human. I listen to her album everyday, all day (well until Views come out) and it’s an admirable, graceful and wonderful masterpiece that others will look at when they need to get the strength to leave their no good man or when to figure out what to stay away from. Regardless your walk of life this is a piece of art that we can all relate to. The message is clear: Yes you may cheat on me, but I will leave you if need be. I will continue to stack this paper, I will always stay on my grind and if by chance I take you back you better make sure you don’t make the same mistaken twice. Oh and my favorite part is dust to side chicks. 

Stay blessed. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

G(ood) V(ibes) O(nly)

I was reading Joel Osteen’s book “ I delcare” one beautiful April morning. I tend to read at least one of his chapters everyday to start my day off right with good vibes and place myself (if it’s not already) in a good mood. I was reading chapter 14 and in this delcaration it talks about blessing people with your words. It has a small affrimation that reads “I’m proud of you, I love you, you are amazing, you are talented, you are beautiful, you will do great things in life.” I sent that out to tweleve of my closet friends and family members. The repsonses I got back was inspiring and eye opening at the same time.

When I sent the text out to those individuals I didn’t sent it in a group text. I also didn’t add any special notes in the text body. Just a swift copy and paste and send. I sent this off to give these people that I care about greatly and I’m not sure if I tell them how aewsome they are enough.  That particular morning I didn’t know all of their worries or problems. I didn’t know how their morning went or how the prior evening went all I knew was that I wanted to send these people some positivity. So I sent it. 

The first response I recieved from one of the tweleve was “This isn’t a suicide note is it?” I felt many mixed emotions about this reply. I was disgusted that he would even suggest such a thing. My life may seem dreary to some but I’m far from sucidical. I was very disappointed that he couldn’t see the sun shining down on him in his clouds. I know that he is a Class A pessimist and would complain about anything possibly possible to complain about on a beuatiful day so I can’t be totally dissatisifed with him for not seeing the beauty in what I sent to him. The next response came from my sis who even though we don’t have the same parents, that’s blood. She replied with a message as loving and positive as the one I sent. I knew she would give me what I gave her even though that wasn’t my objective. To be quite honest I didn’t know what to expect from these people. 

Someone asked me if I meant to send that to her as though by some chance she felt as though she didn’t deserve such a loving and uplifting message from me. Or as though she thought I couldn’t produce such of a message. And to be fair I didn’t, Joel did. I just shared it to the approriate people. Which should have been enough but it made me go to Twitter and ask “Why is it so hard for you niggas to accept someone sending you some positivity?” I mean cause really let me get that same message and I would be over joyed. I would two step my day away knowing someone thinks enough of me to send me that. But… I recieved two more “Is this for me?” and two more “ Are you ok?” messages. All others was nothing but grateful to recieve such a message and told me they love me too or a simple thank you. I also sent it to a group chat of women that I have known since before I could remember and although I didn’t go back to check the other responses the inital responses was enough to make me shake my head and close the app we use to communicate on. 

 I didn’t expect a respsonse but those that replied back being grateful made me smile a bit my day went on as planned. It was those that couldn’t t phanthom the idea of me sending such a text is what bothered me a bit. So it made me to come to this conlusion: That not every one can handle being told that they are loved by someone else. Regardless if it is platonic, family or friends with benefits.  Also I noticed that not all people are open to accept positivity or being shown gratitude for whatever accomplishments that they have. I really think it’s quite sad. Aren’t you suppose to show praise or love to your homies? Aren’t you suppose to lift those up who are around you? I mean how do you expect to be great if those you consider squad are you are iight (please say that in the ratchtest voice possible)???? Is it really that bad out here that mofos is that miserable that they can’t accept love or a little ray of sunshine?? I’m not sure, nor is it my problem to worry about the misery one may or may not be in. All I can keep doing is to keep recieving the affrimations and positive messages and sending that positivity out there to the Universe.  Maybe the people I share my messages with will share it to someone else, maybe not. That’s not my problem, as long as I stay positive and keep positive people around me then I’m good. It’s the law of attraction, think good and you shall attract good. Do good and you shall be good. It’s quite simple. 

Be blessed.