I did this for class... enjoy
When I hear someone describe a rich old lawyer without the mention of color I ask if he’s a Jew? In my life experiences I have noticed that most rich lawyers are Jewish and that’s not to be racists that’s to state a point of view. We all have different POV and depending on how you are raised and the things one may have experienced or have been exposed to it will determine their POV. While going into this activity i begin to think about all of my views about the Jewish community and I begin to think about things I have thought to be true about them. I am aware that not everything that is on some sort of media be it radio, tv, social or what have you is a representation of the entire community. But once those outlets for information begin to fill your head with images or descriptions of someone/thing you might begin to believe it. Especially if you haven’t been around one to get to know one.
I personally don’t know any people who observe the beliefs of Judaism so I won’t be able to speak on personal experiences of being around one that I have personal camaraderie with. Thru the scopes of media I have seen alot of different views of Jews. There are several different types, some are clean shaven and dress in modern day fashions and then there are those who don’t. Male Hasidic Jews don the best Shirley Temple curls my eyes have ever seen. They fall neatly on both sides of their face while being looking dapper in a black suit with a white button up dress shirt. Their top hats or yamakas make their outfits. complete. A preception that I have about these men is that they are men and look down to women. Im sure that’s not true about all of them hopefully one day I will find out.
The views that I have on the jewish community wasn’t as a whole but just how I saw things. I knew that everyone would have our own POV about each other’s label. People think that Jewish people are rich and though some maybe and it’s painted in media that Jewish people , men especially, are successful lawyers. Some are good with businesses, music, food, whatever the route for having something successful and brings in lots of revenue. That they tend to have a big nose I have heard a lady refer to her own nose as a “Jew nose”. There are stigmas on all of the races, religions, class, location, education and whatever else gives someone who feels the need to berate people who aren’t doing better than them.
Afterwards when I gave myself a moment to think back, I wondered how I look at people. This exercise gave me the time to look at how I treat people and the perceptions that I might have of people. Not just people outside of my race, religion or what have you but people who are considered to be about of my community. We all judge and assume people and the things that they do.As much as I don’t want to admit this, I have judged a person/people because of information I may have been given about them. It’s something that happens way too often and with the advancement in technology we can share our opinions about whatever may come to our mind in seconds. As I continue to work on myself and take my journey in life I realize that I shouldn’t judge people because I don’t know their struggles and what they could possibly dealing with.
The opinions of others POV about people and their walks of life doesn’t really get to me unless if it has something with women or children. People are going to think what they want to think and their views of the Jewish community didn’t sway me. In my experience, you can’t always take a person at face value. You have to get to know someone before you can see them for them. You might meet a Jewish woman for the first time and she is irate with you.you look at her like she’s crazy and walk away thinking that all Jewish ladies are mean. At the next interaction she’s nice to you and your initial perception of her being mean to you becomes background noise.
That’s why I believe it’s best to treat people how you will want to get treated. It’s a Golden rule that was taught in elementary school but it seems to have gotten forgotten. You don’t want to be disrespected for no reason especially because you think differently or love differently. We wasn’t meant to be the same, so that’s why we should all be treated as equals. There are over a billion people in the world so there is wars going on all over the world. People fighting over who knows what , land, freedom, religion beliefs. If people treated people better I doubt their would be so much war. So much anger and hatred in this world, this country and this century. I feel that things could possibly get done if we used love and not war.
Imagine a world without war, what a world that would be. Chaos is avoidable but there doesn’t need to be so much of it. Jews in the Middle East are on the news for fighting for their freedom or land that they think belongs to them. There are people fighting for dirt, bombing buildings, causing fear in a place that love should be. Mind you that fight has been going for thousands of years and it’s ever constant. The world needs love so from now on I won’t judge no one. I’m going to lead by example and give my world and those who may pass thru it a bit of kindness. I hope you do too.
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